Friday, February 6, 2015

First Friday Art Class for February 2015 - 3 Types of Lettering

We always seem to do some sort of lettering in February--I guess our thoughts turn to Valentines.

For today's class I decided to do 3 different types of lettering with the girls. All three are seen in the picture above--Faux Calligraphy (as seen in the words "february 2015"), a style I haven't named yet (as seen in the words "art Class"), and Art Deco Lettering (as seen in the word "Lettering").

(TIP: We found that working with our trusty Papermate Flair pens worked MUCH better than Sharpies! Of course Micron Pens are my first choice, but a little too pricey for kids.)
We began by talking about some general tips to keep in mind when doing any lettering...
We then dove right into style #1...
Faux Calligraph was our next style. I gave the girls a handout with basic cursive letters on it with the instructions to change any letters they didn't like. It's also OK to mix uppercase and lowercase. NO RULES--that's our mantra!
(Not sure why I wrote "cursive" instead of "calligraphy". I corrected it--post production).  :)
Our last style was the Art Deco Lettering...
Everyone did an amazing job!
Everyone's lettering has its own unique personality...all are lovely and wonderful!!

See you next month!


  1. Just found your blog on Pinterest & LOVE your creative lettering! I've been working on my lettering for a long while now. You're absolutely correct. We all need to embrace our own handwriting. I'm learning to do that now.
    Grandma Nancy in central IL

  2. Loved this lesson. I'm a beginner so this was great!


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