My daughter's friend had a birthday this week. She has a pet hamster. When I saw
this pattern, I knew I had to knit her one of these little Hamsterbeans.

When the kids saw him, they each requested one.

My son wanted a red one with brown ears--there is no room for pink in his world.
Then I decided to experiment. I did one with fun fur. I thought the kids would think it was silly--especially since you can't even see his eyes. But they LOVE it. They even fought over who gets to keep it. So I may be knitting up another fur ball with eyes (really they are in there!).

And then a project just for me...This sweet little (7" x 10") pillow was a bit of stress relief knitting just for me. The yarn is Araucania Nature Cotton and it's GORGEOUS. The color is so vibrant. I did the flowers with bits of fabric and tulle. Very sweet and feminine.