
Thursday, September 20, 2007


Mayzie looks lovely with her orange shirt to compliment the daisy in her hair--all against a warm, buttery background.

"Mayzie" is a collage painting. I began by collaging on her hair, face, features, shirt and daisy. I used an old map of Paris I got in a French class in college for her face (does that make it vintage?) :-) And printed paper from a French text book for her hair. The rest is scrapbook paper. After I put on the paper, then comes paint.

This painting was inspired by a Dr. Suess book called "Daisy-Head Mayzie". I painted Mayzie in my style although I kept the Dr. Suess classic red and white stripes by adding them for her eye lids.

Poor Mayzie, "...a daisy was sprouting right out of her hair."

This painting was done for an EBSQ show called Re-Imagining Seuss.



This is "Lewis". He enjoys jazz, long walks on the beach and playing chess. Ladies, don't let him slip away. He's another collage painting.
This is the underpainting.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Honey was so tired of people telling her beehives were "out". Didn't they know that retro is so in!?!

This painting was just plain fun from beginning to end. Some paintings have a point where they feel like work--not so with "Honey". I giggled as I drew her onto the canvas--especially the hair. I loved every minute I spent choosing the papers for her hair, shirt, earrings, face, eyes and lips. And the actual painting process was like butta'.

The end result I think you'll find is a really fun painting. I used newspaper for her hair and printed scrapbook paper for her shirt, skin, eyes, lips and earrings. This is put on as a collage. I then go in and paint over the collage elements.

This is my entry in the September 2007 Nibblefest Art Contest, a themed art contest on e-bay beginning on the 20th of each month. The theme for this month is "Retro".

Below is a picture of the "underpainting" so you can see all the collage elements before the paint.